Automotive Supplier Gains Total Carbon Transparency over Supply Chain in 3 weeks and Prepares for Market Shift

Leading the Charge Towards Sustainability in the Automotive Industry

Automotive Supplier Gains Total Carbon Transparency over Supply Chain in 3 weeks and Prepares for Market Shift

supply chain EMISSIONS

region: europe

INDUSTRY: automotive

As a leading global supplier to the automotive and industrial sectors, this company has proven its commitment to sustainability through notable achievements. Guided by their ambitious goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2040, the company sought a powerful solution to further their net-zero journey. That’s when they turned to carbmee Environmental Intelligence System (EIS™), seeking to leverage its capabilities to gain total carbon transparency across the supply chain and start collaborating with suppliers to minimize carbon emissions.

Driving Sustainability Breakthroughs: How carbmee EIS™ Transformed Their Net-Zero Journey

The remarkable journey of this company, powered by carbmee cutting-edge solutions, provides invaluable learnings for the entire industry. As carbon management takes center stage, here are the key takeaways that can empower other companies to accelerate their reduction efforts and achieve their climate goals faster than the competition:

Rapid Carbon Footprint Management

Rapid Carbon Footprint Management: Unveiling Total Transparency in Just 3 Weeks

By harnessing automation technology, the carbmee EIS™ enabled the company to quickly gain insights into their entire value chain emissions. Within just three weeks, they enhanced carbon transparency, launching a high-impact strategy to tackle Scope 3 emissions. The EIS™ also helped the company identify their emissions hotspots, allowing them to target climate efforts more effectively.

Calculation of Supplier Carbon Footprints

Automated Calculation of Supplier Carbon Footprints: Streamlining Efficiency

With carbmee EIS™ automation capabilities, the company was able to calculate the carbon footprint using activity-based methodology ) for their entire supply chain, covering over 9,000 suppliers.. This significantly reduced manual effort and improved efficiency, enabling the company to focus more on the execution of their sustainability strategy  rather than being burdened by time-consuming calculations.

Emissions Hotspots

Identification of Emissions Hotspots and Reduction Opportunities: Unlocking Insights

carbmee’s platform empowered the company to identify Scope 3 emission hotspots, collect primary data from suppliers  and to collaboratively define reduction initiatives. Engagement with suppliers is managed intuitively by the customer in the supplier collaboration module.Insights from carbmee EIS™ have enabled them to prioritize areas where emissions could be reduced, fostering a culture of data-driven collaboration among suppliers. . By leveraging these insights, the company took targeted action to lower their carbon footprint and transition to the low-carbon economy.

sustainability journey

Tailored Service and Industry Advice: Maximizing Benefits

Throughout their sustainability journey, the company received ongoing service and industry advice from carbmee’s automotive expert team. This support ensured that they maximize the benefits of the partnership with carbmee and made informed decisions to reduce their carbon footprint. The personalized approach helped the company navigate their net-zero transition with confidence and expertise.

Paving the Way for Sustainable Automotive Manufacturing: Lessons for the Industry

The success story of this company with carbmee EIS™ offers invaluable insights for the entire automotive industry. This story tells us that embracing innovative carbon management solutions is the only way for companies to effectively achieve carbon transparency and reduction across the value chain. Now, let’s uncover the key benefits that can guide other companies towards sustainable car parts manufacturing.

Streamline Your Climate Efforts

To make substantial progress, it’s crucial to adopt a holistic platform that streamlines and consolidates data and optimizes processes. An integrated approach is the only way a company can gain the ability to effectively track and analyze their environmental impact, ensuring that sustainability considerations are part of the daily operations, making it easier to identify improvement areas and implement strategies for reduction.

Accelerate Action on Scope 3 Emissions

As over 80% of emissions of large corporations are hidden in the supply chain, rapid carbon transparency in Scope 3 is key to driving meaningful change. Embrace automation technology, such as the EIS™, to swiftly gain insights into the entire value chain emissions. This enables companies to launch high-impact strategies to tackle Scope 3 emissions promptly. With actionable data in hand, take swift action to implement measures that mitigate environmental impact. By accelerating action on Scope 3 emissions, companies can lead the market shift towards the low-carbon economy.

Simplify and Scale Data Collection

Automating supplier emissions calculations is a game-changer. Choose a carbon management solution that can transform operational data into carbon data, including of your suppliers, such as the EIS™. This can eliminate thousands of hours of manual effort, freeing up time and resources for driving climate initiatives. Furthermore, it paves the way for collaborative effort with suppliers. With transparency over your supply chain emissions, you can engage with top emitting suppliers, foster collaboration, and work together to implement effective reduction strategies. Through unified actions, a culture of sustainability can be nurtured throughout the supply chain.

Partner with Industry Experts

Navigating the complexities of carbon management requires industry-specific expertise. Partner with a knowledgeable team like carbmee’s, who offer decades of experience in the automotive sector. Our experts can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the implementation process and beyond. Our deep understanding of the industry’s unique challenges and opportunities ensures tailored advice and solutions that align with your company’s goals.